Estimating Distinct Element Counts with F#

Read Time: 10 minutes

Performing estimated counting of distinct elements in large datasets is a common task. While there are straightforward approaches, they can be memory-intensive and slow for massive datasets. Today I’m going to take a look at the F0 Estimator introduced in the paper Distinct Elements in Streams: An Algorithm for the (Text) Book∗. As often, this will be an implementation in F#.

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Vector Search using F#

Read Time: 14 minutes

Vector search is an essential tool for many modern applications, particularly for information retrieval. It allows for efficient searching and retrieval of information based on similarity between vectors. Today I will explore how to implement a naive vector search with F#. Whether you are a seasoned F# developer or just starting out, this will provide you some useful information if you want to better understand the basics of vector search in your own projects.

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The Great Json Bake-Off

Read Time: 31 minutes

It is difficult to build much without needing to deal with json at some point. In the world of F# there are several options. Today I want to lay out some of the popular choices and offer some some compare and contrast. These libraries all have their own strengths and weaknesses, and bringing it all into a single place to highlight these is a useful point of reference for decision making and general understanding.

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