This is part 2 of my attempt to use an Accord.NET Decision Tree to classify Lego set themes using F#. Just as a reminder, the original data source is Rebrickable. You can find Part 1 here.
Using Paket, here is a sample paket.dependencies file.
This is the boring setup stuff. It also includes some utility functions. Not specific just to the utility functions, but one of my goals for these functions is flexibility. I can add and remove features from the extract script without impacting code here. This dynamic aspect of function building makes testing changes easier.
open System open System.IO open Accord open Accord.MachineLearning open Accord.MachineLearning.DecisionTrees open Accord.MachineLearning.DecisionTrees.Learning open Accord.Math open Accord.Statistics.Analysis open FSharp.Data
let rand = new Random()
// Shuffle an array (in-place) let shuffle (a:'a[]) = let swapByIndex i j = let tmp = a.[i] a.[i] <- a.[j] a.[j] <- tmp let maxIndex = Array.length a - 1 [|0..maxIndex|] |> Array.iter (fun i -> swapByIndex i (rand.Next maxIndex)) a
// Send a tree + input + output and generate a tuple with results for comparison let getResults (tree:DecisionTree) (inputs:float[][]) (outputs:int[]) = inputs outputs |> (fun (i,o) -> (i, o, tree.Decide(i)))
// Calculate number of correct predictions let resultsTotalCorrect results = results |> (fun (_, actual:int, predicted:int) -> if actual = predicted then1else0) |> Array.fold (+) 0
// Use the input and output datasets to get correct prediction stats let processResults tree inputs outputs = let results = getResults tree inputs outputs ( results, resultsTotalCorrect results )
// Display results let showResults description correct total = printfn "%s - Direct row match : Correct %d/%d (%.3f)" description correct total (float(correct) / (float(total)))
Here are some data transformation functions. buildTrainTestIndexes generates a list of indexes for the training and test sets. The data is randomized and all records are in one and only one set (no overlap between train and test). splitDataset does the actual split into train and test sets. splitDataIntoInputAndOutput breaks a dataset into inputs and outputs for decision tree consumption.
// Build a list of indexes for the train and test sets // Current implementation assigns a random 'trainpercent' of the indexes // to the trainingset, and the remainder to the test set let buildTrainTestIndexes (length:int) (trainPercent:float) :(int[] * int[]) = let splitIndex = int(Math.Floor(trainPercent * float(length-1))) let indexes = [|0..length - 1|] shuffle indexes |> ignore (indexes.[0..splitIndex], // training indexes indexes.[splitIndex+1..]) // testing indexes
// Split a dataset into a trainingset and a testing set (with no overlap) let splitDataset (d:list<'a>) (trainPercent:float) = let (trainIndexes, testIndexes) = buildTrainTestIndexes (List.length d) trainPercent (trainIndexes |> (fun i -> List.item i d), // training set testIndexes |> (fun i -> List.item i d)) // testing set
// Splits dataset into its input and output // Assumption: row's first column is label (output) let splitDataIntoInputAndOutput (d:'a[][]) = ( d |> (fun row -> row.[1..(Array.length row - 1)]), d |> (fun row -> row.[0]) )
Here are decision tree setup specific functions. The decision tree uses a DecisionVariable collection. Decision Tree ranges come in different flavors, but all my features are double, thus DoubleRange. The other point of interest is decisionVariablesIList, this is necessarily because the F# list as I was using it didn’t meet the interface needs. This very well could be something I missed on my part, but this seemed like the only way to resolve the conflict.
let newRangeFromColumn (d:Double[][]) (i:int) = new DoubleRange( d |> (fun r -> r.[i]) |> Array.min, d |> (fun r -> r.[i]) |> Array.max)
// Create a new decision variable for a column let newDecisionVariableFromColumn (d:Double[][]) (i:int) = new DecisionVariable((sprintf "col%d" i), newRangeFromColumn d i)
// Create a list of decision variables for the DecisionTree let decisionVariables (inputs:float[][]) = [0..(Array.length inputs.[0])-1] |> (newDecisionVariableFromColumn inputs)
// Create a list of decision variables for the DecisionTree let decisionVariablesIList (inputs:float[][]) = let variableList = new Collections.Generic.List<DecisionVariable>() decisionVariables inputs |> List.iter (fun x -> variableList.Add(x)) variableList
// Get number of classes let numClasses (d:int[]) = Array.max d - Array.min d + 1
All the prep functions are in place. First I load the data. Often I use the CsvProvider, but in this case I want the data directly in an array.
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let dataset = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "..\\data\\legos\\aggregatedata.csv") |> File.ReadLines |> Seq.skip 1// Skip header row //|> Seq.take 10000 // For testing only take a subset of records |> (fun x ->x.Split ',') |> (fun x -> (fun y -> float(y)) x) |> Seq.toList
Here I split data into train and test sets, where 70% of the data is train.
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// Split dataset into train and test sets let (trainData, testData) = splitDataset dataset 0.7 printfn "Dataset Sizes: All: %d Train: %d Test: %d" (List.length dataset) (Array.length trainData) (Array.length testData)
Now I split the train and test sets into input/output arrays.
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// Split training sets into seperate components for decision tree let (trainInputs, trainOutputs) = splitDataIntoInputAndOutput trainData let (testInputs, testOutputs) = splitDataIntoInputAndOutput testData
Here I create and train the tree. I use the C4.5 algorithm for the learning method. Accord also offers ID3 for learning as well.
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// Build the decision tree from training data let tree = new DecisionTree(decisionVariablesIList trainInputs, numClasses ( int trainOutputs))
// Train the tree let c45 = new C45Learning(tree)
let error = c45.Learn(trainInputs, ( int trainOutputs))
Once the tree is trained, I apply the results to the train and test sets and then display the results.
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// Process train and test results let (trainResults, trainTotalCorrect) = processResults tree trainInputs ( int trainOutputs) let (testResults, testTotalCorrect) = processResults tree testInputs ( int testOutputs)
// Final display of results showResults "Train" trainTotalCorrect (Array.length trainInputs) showResults "Test " testTotalCorrect (Array.length testInputs)
Below are the results. They are disappointing, and there is certainly room for improvement. But its a start.
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Train - Direct row match : Correct 5624/7584 (0.742) Test - Direct row match : Correct 1342/3250 (0.413)
On a whim I attempt to use the ID3 learner instead. This method requires discrete values. It’s easy enough to convert all the doubles to ints. Knowing that most of my columns are percentages, I multiple by 100, then convert to an int. Unfortunantly, my system ran out of memory on this test. I used fsharpi (Mono) as well as fsi (.NET CLR), but it gave me the same issue. This deserves some additional follow-up, but I don’t have time for that rabbit-hole right now. Below is the code I used to try the ID3 learner, if someone sees what is wrong, feel free to drop me a line.
let newRangeFromColumnInt (d:int[][]) (i:int) = new IntRange( d |> (fun r -> r.[i]) |> Array.min, d |> (fun r -> r.[i]) |> Array.max)
let newDecisionVariableFromColumnInt (d:int[][]) (i:int) = new DecisionVariable((sprintf "col%d" i), newRangeFromColumnInt d i)
let decisionVariablesInt (inputs:int[][]) = [0..(Array.length inputs.[0])-1] |> (newDecisionVariableFromColumnInt inputs)
let decisionVariablesIListInt (inputs:int[][]) = let variableList = new Collections.Generic.List<DecisionVariable>() decisionVariablesInt inputs |> List.iter (fun x -> variableList.Add(x)) variableList
let inputsInt i = ( (fun x -> (fun y -> int(y * 100.)) x) i) let treeId3 = new DecisionTree(decisionVariablesIListInt (inputsInt trainInputs), numClasses ( int trainOutputs))
let id3 = new ID3Learning(treeId3)
id3.ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism <- 1 let errorId3 = id3.Learn((inputsInt trainInputs), ( int trainOutputs))
let (trainResultsId3, trainTotalCorrectId3) = processResultsId3 treeId3 (inputsInt trainInputs) ( int trainOutputs) let (testResultsId3, testTotalCorrectId3) = processResultsId3 treeId3 (inputsInt testInputs) ( int testOutputs)
Although the end results were anticlimatic, it’s nice to see it all come together. One consolation is with over 100 possible themes, 41% on the test set isn’t the worst thing in the world. Hopefully this has offered some insight into how to use a decision tree in Accord.NET. Until next time…