Visualizations like charts and graphs can be powerful tools, but they are often static. An even more powerful story can be told over time with animations and videos. Using F#, along with a couple tools, I’ll do just that. Today’s focus is on the Palmer Drought Severity data for the U.S. over that last one-hundred years. This is a lighter post, so hopefully the video is mesmerizing enough to compensate for any lack of depth.
How is this accomplished? I reach into F#’s bag of tricks to leverage Deedle, Plotly.NET, and ffmpeg in order to transform a series of data files into a singular video showing county-level drought data from 1900-2016. Together these bring static data into a dynamic representation. For reference, the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) typically ranges from -10 (dry) to 10 (wet). Putting this all together is pretty straight-forward, but I wanted to call out a couple specific parts. For this particular example Deedle is overkill, but pairing it with Plotly.NET can often be useful in more complex situations. Plotly offers some nice customization options, which I take advantage of below. Once all the images are generated with Plotly, F# can shell out to ffmpeg to perform the video assembly. I do this in two parts, creating both an mp4 and webm file.
open System open System.Diagnostics open System.IO open Deedle open Newtonsoft.Json open Plotly.NET open Plotly.NET.ImageExport
/// Convert a datafile into an imagefile name (with no extension) let buildImageNameNoExtension i _dataFileName = Path.Combine("images", sprintf "image_%04d" i)
/// Convert a datafile name into a year-month chart title let fileNameToTitle dataFileName = let regex = Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("drought_(\d+)_(\d+).csv")
let matches = regex.Match(dataFileName) let year = matches.Groups.[1].Captures.[0].ToString() |> int let month = matches.Groups.[2].Captures.[0].ToString() |> int
sprintf "%4d-%02d" year month
/// Json object of county code to map coordinates polygon /// Source: let geoJson = IO.File.ReadAllText("data/geojson-counties-fips.json") |> JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
/// Build map of drought data let buildMap index dataFile = let title = fileNameToTitle dataFile
let data = Frame.ReadCsv(dataFile, false, separators = ",")
let fips = data |> Frame.getCol "Column4"// "fips" |> Series.values |> Array.ofSeq
let pdsi = data |> Frame.getCol "Column5"// "pdsi" |> Series.values |> Array.ofSeq
/// Execute command let exec command args = let startInfo = ProcessStartInfo(FileName = command, Arguments = args) let p = new Process(StartInfo = startInfo)
let success = p.Start() if not success then printfn "Process Failed" else p.WaitForExit()
/// Build a video (mp4) using all pngs in the sourceDir let buildVideo sourceDir dstFile = exec "ffmpeg" $"-y -i {sourceDir}/image_%%04d.png -c:v libx264 -vf fps=120 -pix_fmt yuv420p {dstFile}"
/// Convert an mp4 to a different file format (i.e. webm or .gif) let convertVideo (inputFile: string) (outputFile: string) = exec "ffmpeg" $"-i {inputFile} {outputFile}"
[<EntryPoint>] let main argv = // Create map images for each month of the data series // Name the images numerically, for consumption by ffmpeg IO.Directory.GetFiles("./data", "drought*.csv") |> Array.sort |> Array.mapi (fun i x -> (i, x)) |> Array.iter (fun (i, x) -> buildMap i x)
// Combine images into a video buildVideo "images""drought.mp4" |> ignore convertVideo "drought.mp4""drought.webm" |> ignore