Linear Regression and F#

Read Time: 8 minutes

Today I look into performing linear regression using F#. The implementations of interest will be the MathNet and Accord.NET libraries. I assume you already know what linear regression is, but in can you need a refresher: Linear Regression. My goal is to provide a simple explanation of how to leverage some existing F# accessible libraries. Once you know some of the basic calling functions, you can go crazy with some of the other options these libraries have to offer.

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Site transition complete

Read Time: 1 minutes

No tech talk today. This is a milestone post. After more hiccups than I’d prefer, the site transition is complete. There has been some minor refactoring with more to follow. Happy prime number new year!

F# Morse Coder

Read Time: 3 minutes

In other words: -.– .- -.– / ..-. / … …. .- .-. .–.

As I was explaining Morse Code to a young mind, I started thinking. It is fine to explain the encoding and uses, but experiencing the audial component makes the lessons stick better. Enter F#. Yes, I know I could use any of a hundred phone apps or websites that produce sound, but what’s the fun in that? For me, this is the perfect opportunity to hack out a quick text to morse code translator.

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Dynamic Time Warping, an F# Implementation

Read Time: 12 minutes

My recent post about Dynamic Time Warping used an external library. It inspired me to implement the algorithm in F#. This is mostly just to see it in F#. My last implementation was in Racket, and I’m interested in the different language implementations. I use a pretty basic Algorithm, nothing fancy. As part of this process I’ll be doing comparisons between NDtw and my code. To be upfront, its not a perfect comparison. NDtw has additional options and tracking that will reduce it’s max performance capabilities. But for hacking around, the implementations will be close enough for alittle fun. For anyone interested, unless otherwise specified, all of my results will be from the REPL in VS Code + Ionide using Mono version 4.6.2.

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F# and Dynamic Time Warping

Read Time: 10 minutes

Today I look at using F# with the NDtw package. This is so I can play with some dynamic time warping. In case you’re not familar with DTW, the TLDR version is that it is a method to compare timeseries data that can differ in frequency. This allows for a more nuanced data comparison that can capture shifted, compressed, and extended patterns. It’s a fun little algorithm to use and worth reading more about.

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