Not surprisely, F# is a useful tool for all sorts of random tasks, web scraping among them. Today I’ll take a quick side-track and leverage F# to web scrap some COVID-19 data and create some charts.
Introduction to F# Talk
Read Time: 1 minutesRecently I gave an Introduction to F# talk at Tech Lancaster. Here are the slides from that talk.
COVID-19 Educational Resources
Read Time: 2 minutesIn these crazy times parents are looking for, among other things, good ways to occupy their childrens’ time in a wholesome fashion. I didn’t want my childrens’ learning to just stop. To move the ball forward, at least a little, I have currated a list of education related resources to help in that process. My goal was to find things that are in the spirit of fun and learning. Nothing here is officially endorsed by me. I only provide these links because our family has found them helpful, I hope you do to. Stay safe, stay sane.