This is a sample of how to apply edge filters to a set of images using F# and Accord.NET. The framework provides several Filters for image manipulating. Since I’m interested in edge enhancement I’ll limit my scope to those filters. In particular I’ve selected the DifferenceEdgeDetector()
Face Detection with F# and Accord.NET
Read Time: 4 minutesThis is a quick sample using F# and Accord.NET to do face detection. The method uses the provided Haar-like feature detection. The results aren’t particularly good, but for little effort it’s an ok start. At a minimum, it does reasonably well at detecting potential regions of interest. For the test images, the best improvements were found when constraining the min/max range based on the known sizes of faces in the pictures.
About Codesuji
Read Time: 1 minutesPrimarily, is an experiment. As time progresses, it (like code) will flow in several directions. For the moment, my immediate focus is to bring practical and interesting examples of F# and functional programming to the masses (that’s you).